
An aquarium full of sadness
Harbouring all my tears
Payback for all my badness
And the elevation of your fears 
The level keeps rising
The depression never leaves
There’s nothing less surprising
Than a broken man who grieves
An atmosphere of terror
Once haunted this place
It was a monumental error
To ever treat you with disgrace
You grow accustomed to the silence
The monotonous hum
It’s louder than the violence
That transformed this palace into a slum 
The infrastructure’s decaying
Time is running out
This damaged fool is praying
For an emotional drought
But the flood persists
It will not cease
Kindness resists
My desperate hope for release
Dennis Earl
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Sunday, July 19, 2009
3:04 p.m. 
Published in: on July 19, 2009 at 3:04 pm  Leave a Comment  

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